WHITE Project
The WHITE project was born out of the hope to accelerate the shifting balance between transport modes, as specified in the White Paper approved by the European Commission in April 2011.
Website: http://www.2e3s.eu/training-centre/
Duration: March 2013 – June 2015
It has been the project that have run the main courses of the Escola – WHITE Intermodality, WHITE MoS, and WHITE Rail, among others, until June 2015.
Our long-term goal was to pave the way for the existence of competitive services and efficient logistics chains in Europe, using ports as central points of intermodal exchanges. By offering especially- tailored courses under the WHITE project we hoped to prepare the current and future professionals of the European transport sector for the challenges ahead.
The partners involved in the WHITE project are Escola’s partners:
- Port of Barcelona
- Ports of Rome and Lazio
- Port of Genova
- Grimaldi Lines
- Grandi Navi Veloci
The project is financed by the Escola and the project’s partners.