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Reviving the Silk Road: How China-Europe Rail Freight is Transforming Global Trade

The Silk Road, historically known as the Silk Route, was an ancient network of trade paths that connected the East and West. Established during the Han Dynasty of China around 130 BCE, it was instrumental in the cultural, commercial, and technological exchange between various civilizations. The Silk Road traversed some of the most diverse terrains, including deserts, mountains, and plains, linking China with India, Persia, the Arabian Peninsula, and Europe.

Named after the lucrative silk trade that flourished during its use, the Silk Road was not a single road but a complex system of interconnected routes. It facilitated the exchange of goods such as silk, spices, tea, precious metals, and other commodities. Beyond goods, it was a conduit for the spread of knowledge, ideas, religion, and culture, profoundly influencing the civilizations it connected.

The Modern Silk Road: An Overview

 Fast forward to the 21st century, and the spirit of the Silk Road has been revived through China’s ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), launched in 2013. This initiative aims to create a modern infrastructure and trade network that echoes the ancient routes, promoting economic cooperation and connectivity on a global scale. One of the most significant components of the BRI is the China-Europe rail freight connection, which serves as a contemporary Silk Road, linking the two continents with a fast and efficient transport route.

The China-Europe rail freight network has transformed global trade dynamics by offering a viable alternative to maritime transport. This intermodal route connects major Chinese cities like Chongqing, Chengdu, Zhengzhou, and Xi’an with key European destinations such as Duisburg, Hamburg, and Madrid. Covering approximately 11,000 kilometers, these rail links traverse multiple countries, including Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, and Poland, before reaching their final destinations in Europe.

Benefits of the China-Europe Rail Freight

  1. Reduced Transit Times: One of the most significant advantages of the China-Europe rail freight is its speed. While maritime transport from China to Europe typically takes 30 to 40 days, rail freight reduces this time to around 12 to 18 days. This dramatic reduction in transit time allows businesses to respond more swiftly to market demands and reduces the need for large inventories.
  2. Cost-Effective: Although rail freight is more expensive than sea transport, it is considerably cheaper than air freight. For many businesses, it strikes an ideal balance between cost and speed, providing a middle ground that meets both budgetary and logistical requirements.
  3. Environmental Benefits: Rail transport is more environmentally friendly compared to air and sea transport. Trains produce fewer CO2 emissions, making them a greener alternative. This aspect is increasingly important as companies strive to reduce their carbon footprint and align with global sustainability goals.
  4. Reliability and Security: Rail freight offers higher reliability and security. Trains run on fixed schedules and are less susceptible to delays caused by weather conditions, port congestions, or other disruptions common in maritime transport. Additionally, railways are less prone to piracy compared to sea routes, enhancing the security of transported goods.

The Economic Impact

The revitalised Silk Road has significantly impacted global trade patterns. By offering a faster and reliable route, the China-Europe rail freight has made it easier for European companies to access Chinese markets and vice versa. This increased connectivity fosters economic cooperation, leading to new business opportunities and investments along the route.

The rail link has also stimulated economic development in the regions it passes through. For instance, cities like Duisburg in Germany have become major logistics hubs, benefiting from increased trade volumes and associated economic activities.

Case Study: The Yiwu-Madrid Route

 The Yiwu-Madrid railway line stands out as a prime example of the success of the China-Europe rail freight network. Yiwu, known as the “world’s supermarket” for its vast wholesale markets, sends a wide range of goods to Madrid, Spain, over a distance of approximately 13,000 kilometers. This route is one of the longest rail links in the world and serves as a critical artery for trade between China and Europe.

Key Highlights of the Yiwu-Madrid Route:

  • Transit Time: The Yiwu-Madrid rail link takes about 16 to 18 days, significantly faster than the traditional maritime route.
  • Freight Volume: The route has seen a steady increase in freight volume since its inception, transporting goods such as electronics, clothing, and machinery.
  • Economic Benefits: The rail link has boosted local economies along the route, creating jobs and promoting infrastructure development. In Madrid, the influx of Chinese goods has enriched the local market, providing consumers with a broader range of products at competitive prices.

The success of the Yiwu-Madrid route underscores the broader potential of the China-Europe rail network. It highlights how modern logistics solutions can bridge vast distances, foster economic ties, and promote sustainable trade practices.



The revival of the ancient Silk Road through the China-Europe intermodal connection via rail freight is a transformative development in global trade. By offering reduced transit times, cost-effective logistics, and environmental benefits, this modern Silk Road is reshaping how goods are transported between the East and the West. The success stories like the Yiwu-Madrid route illustrate the tangible benefits and potential of this initiative. As global trade continues to evolve, the China-Europe rail freight network is poised to play an increasingly pivotal role, complementing maritime transport and driving economic growth across continents.


SURCO Madrid – October 2024

If you are interested in learning more about intermodal rail transport, you can check out the Escola’s upcoming SURCO Madrid course which will take place between the 14th and the 22nd of October 2024. The SURCO courses go beyond standard rail-intermodality training and delve into comprehensive port to rail operations, with the students given the opportunity to study intermodal operations. The lectures that accompany practical visits to intermodal rail terminals ensure that a complete knowledge of these is acquired by the students in an eminently practical environment. For more information, check out SURCO Madrid 2024.



  1. Belt and Road Initiative
  2. China-Europe Railway Express
  3. Environmental Impact of Rail Transport
  4. Yiwu-Madrid Railway

Navigating the Future: AI’s Impact on Marketing and Sales within the Port Logistics Industry

Written by: Lidia Slawinska, Digital Communication Manager – Escola Europea

As marketing and sales professionals, we’re always on the lookout for the next big thing that can revolutionize the way we connect with our audience, streamline our operations, and optimize our strategies for the ever-evolving market demands. Over the past few years, one technological advancement has stood out not just as a tool but as a transformative force reshaping our professional landscape: Artificial Intelligence (AI).

The Dawn of AI in Marketing and Sales

My introduction to AI wasn’t through a dramatic unveiling; it was through a growing realization of its subtle integration into our everyday tools and processes. AI began as a helping hand in analyzing customer data, offering insights that were previously buried in spreadsheets and databases. Analytics software integrated into nearly all CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and CMS (Content Management Systems) tools have become indispensable, transforming raw data into actionable insights with the click of a button. Google’s AI-powered algorithms have optimized our ad placements, ensuring our marketing messages reach the right audience at the right time.

But it was when AI started offering predictive capabilities that I truly grasped its potential. Predictive analytics tools, such as those offered by IBM Watson, have enabled marketers to forecast market trends and customer behaviour with surprising accuracy. This foresight has been game-changing in planning marketing and sales strategies, allowing for proactive rather than reactive approaches.

The AI Edge in the Port Logistic Industry

Working in the marketing and sales sphere of the port logistic industry presented unique challenges, from the complexity of logistics to the diverse needs of our clientele. AI became the beacon of innovation we needed. Here are several ways AI has transformed our marketing and sales approaches:

  • Predictive Analytics for Demand Forecasting: AI’s ability to sift through and analyze data has been instrumental in predicting demand fluctuations for port services. This predictive insight allows us to tailor our marketing efforts, ensuring they are both timely and relevant.
  • Enhanced Customer Segmentation: The granularity with which AI can segment our audience is unparalleled. By understanding the specific needs and behaviors of different user groups, we can craft more effective and targeted marketing campaigns.
  • Personalized Customer Experiences: AI has enabled us to move beyond one-size-fits-all marketing messages. Through machine learning algorithms, we’re now able to personalize communications and offers, significantly improving engagement rates and customer satisfaction.
  • Efficient Operations Through Automation: From automating routine tasks to optimizing ad placements, AI has freed our team to focus on more strategic and creative initiatives. This efficiency gain is not just about doing more with less; it’s about doing better.

Navigating the Challenges

The integration of AI into our marketing and sales strategies has not been without its challenges. Data privacy concerns, the need for clean and comprehensive data sets, and the ongoing battle against algorithm bias are hurdles we continue to navigate. However, the potential benefits far outweigh these obstacles, pushing us to innovate and improve continually.

A Glimpse into the Future

Looking ahead, the potential of AI in marketing seems limitless. We’re on the brink of adopting AI for content creation, where tools like OpenAI’s GPT can generate engaging and relevant content tailored to our audience’s interests. Imagine automated market reports, blog posts, and even social media updates that resonate with our audience, crafted at the push of a button.

Moreover, the advent of augmented reality (AR) and AI offers exciting new platforms for interactive marketing. AR port tours or virtual product demonstrations could become standard marketing tools, offering immersive experiences that were once the realm of science fiction.

Embarking on the AI Journey

For my fellow marketers eager to embark on this AI journey, the first step is education. Familiarize yourself with the basics of AI and its applications in marketing. Engage with platforms like Coursera or edX, and explore AI tools tailored to marketing and sales needs. Remember, the journey into AI is not a solo venture. Collaborate with your IT department, consult with AI experts, and most importantly, stay curious and open to the transformative potential AI holds.

In conclusion, AI in marketing and sales is not just a trend; it’s the future. With the objective of further exploring this trend, the Escola Europea – Intermodal Transport is offering a course on the applications of AI in marketing and sales, with a special focus on the port environment. Scheduled for the 27th of May, this course is part of a series of four sessions aimed at dissecting the impacts of artificial intelligence in port operations. It represents a valuable resource for professionals seeking to deepen their understanding of AI’s role in transforming marketing strategies and commercial activities in the port sector.

For those interested in participating or seeking additional information, please contact the organizers at the Escola Europea – Intermodal Transport. This course provides an opportunity to explore the practical applications of AI in a specialized context, contributing to the ongoing development of marketing professionals in the port logistic industry.

Today, we have a unique opportunity to leverage these advancements, transforming challenges into opportunities and set new benchmarks for excellence in our field. The journey has just begun, and I, for one, am excited to see where it takes us.

The challenges of digitalization and its impact on training activities in transport and logistics

Written by: Xavier Lluch i Oms, Consultant in Transportation, Logistics & Information Systems & Professor at the Escola Europea

For many years now, companies and all kind of organisations have improved their information circuits by mechanising, or computerising, etc.

Progress, so far, has been implanted inside the organisations, facilitating the transfer of information between different departments. Commercial departments, operations (transport-warehouse, etc.), and administration, among others are but some examples. In this aspect, applications have evolved from the first ones that comprised a single function (billing, accounting …) to those that seek to solve communication problems holistically for the entire company. Commonly known as “Enterprise Resource Planning” (ERP) , the different existing ERPs compete amongst themselves, but their goal is always to solve the question of information circuits inside the companies. ERPs are solving the need to re-enter data between different departments or functions of the companies above all.

There have been attempts to resolve communications between companies, but they have always been limited to specific business partners. Companies can exchange data but can hardly do so with other commercial partners in general as each connection requires specific agreements. Nevertheless, there are exceptions, such as:

  • Port Community Systems
  • Various initiatives fostered in the maritime world, especially between shipping companies and administrations, within the framework of the “maritime single window environment” (SWE).
  • Some communication subsystems such as the “Automated Identification System” (AIS) used in maritime navigation.
  • Some initiatives in the air world, thanks to IATA standards
  • The contracting platforms or loading exchanges, although each one with its own communication standards.
  • The electronic invoice, to the extent that it has been imposed by public administrations.

All these attempts have not progressed further. This was partly due to the power limitations of data management, but above all due to the lack of complete standardization; making it so that each implementation requires either a manual link or a complicated series of steps of adjusting communications.

In recent years the landscape has begun to change with the EU initiative to constitute the Data Transport and Logistics Forum (DTLF), a true standardization working group, which has set up the conditions for the promulgation of the (Electronic Freight Transport Information) eFTI regulation in 2020.

The implementation of the eFTI regulation (EU) 2020/1056/ is a significant step towards the use of digital exchanges of information in the transport sector. We may be on the verge of a radical change in communication, similar to the introduction of the ISO TC 104 standard in 1961, which opened the gate to the universal use of containers in the transport industry.

The possibility of having standards and an operational architecture within the E.U. creates an enormous playing field. We can now replace paper with the cloud to support or store transport data, and consequently we shall no longer talk about transport documents but about datasets.  At the same time, the possibility to access a much larger market database more efficiently opens infinite new possibilities to organise transports and new business models.

Electronic transport documents within the EU will become widely used and will save a lot of costs, and the increased added value in operations opens a new conception of transport flows.

ERPs will become less significant, (as we will no longer talk about invoicing or accounting programmes ). The new question will focus not on how we enter data but how we manage it.  New business models will appear, based on the possibilities of accessing large amounts of data and organising operations more efficiently.

The speed of adoption of changes depends largely on the attitude of public administrations, which set the rules of the game between companies. But the process is unstoppable and countries that do not follow them will lose competitiveness.

In a mid-to-long, term similar progress shall be extended to the full commercial chain, comprising not only those involved in the logistics or transport chain strictly, but a larger array of actors  (buyers, sellers, administrations, banks…). Technology now allows for highly innovative ways of working, but the complexity of the participants and their divergent interests greatly hinder their adoption.

These new working methods pose medium-term challenges both in the organization of companies and in the training needs of their employees.

A digital cultural background will be required in data exploitation processes. Computer security, digital signatures, data certification and protection, contracting and management of databases, organization of information, legal issues related to electronic contracting, communication systems between companies, and many more that we can now only imagine.

But even if information systems will change, the basic problems will still exist: The lost shipment, the vessel that does not sail as planned; the erroneous declaration of customs; the interpretation of trade rules; incidents of all kinds in transport; compliance with financial commitments; the fight against fraud; the increase in complexity of customs regulations; questions related to the massification of B2C trade, etc. Standardization will not solve everything and a professional transport skill will always be required.

In the next five years companies will probably start to implement some changes, in preparation for what seems a likely horizon:

  • Accentuation of sector concentration, (horizontal and vertical), accessing the large shippers.
  • Disappearance of companies due to absorption into larger groups.
  • Displacement of traditional companies towards market niches, either by transport specialities (pharmaceutical, dangerous goods, temperature controlled transport, hanging clothing, among others) or by routes or geographical areas, or by ancillary services.
  • Emergence of new companies with cloud services: Online contracting, load exchanges with complementary services, among others.
  • In customs clearance, accentuation of the changes initiated with the new customs code and with the expected ones, more centralized clearance, new roles of customs representatives, increased legislative complexity, discussion of the “trusted trader”, changes in e-commerce…
  • Emergence of the companies based on new models (such as Usyncro, Ontruck, Widoit,…)
  • Evolution of data entry solutions such as ERP.

Training activities should reflect the changes expected in the transport industry and specifically in the information flows. Training in logistics should include the foreseen technologies and tools in the training programmes, and some basic concepts in IT with which trainees should become familiar, such as electronic signatures, technologies and concepts related to information (data, metadata, protocols related, databases…), etc. IT Technologies are becoming more and more present in transport and logistics operations. However, it should not be neglected that the transport business requires to be familiarised with all “traditional” operational aspects involved with international transportation and commerce, from Incoterms to payment methods, to packaging and palletisation, customs regulation, international and national transport, insurance conventions, and so on.

The eruption of IT technologies and new and better transport means are contributing to an increase in volumes and to “commoditising” operations. Nowadays there are less uncertainties, less incidents, but it should never be forgotten that international trade is always subject to a number of legal and operational challenges and professionals should be well aware of the consequences of contracting in one way versus another. At the same time the increased volumes of international trade are originating complex problems (including customs issues) that require deeper and more significant professional skills.

Digitisation is inevitable!

And it is up to us now to ensure that we keep up with it, and that we can train our workforce with existing, new, and emerging skills to stay on top of the game.

Navigating the Currents of Change: Insights from the Helm of P&O Ferrymasters

Oscar Rodenas, General Manager for Spain – P&O Ferrymasters

This month we are launching our “Journeys in Learning” series, during which we will be interviewing key members of our community on topics that are near and dear to us. For this first issue, we have interviewed Mr. Oscar Ródenas Ujaque, the General Manager for Spain of P&O Ferrymasters.

Combining Teaching and Professional Practice

Q1: Reflecting on your extensive experience in the logistics sector, how does this enrich your role as a teacher at TecnoCampus, and conversely, how does teaching inform your professional practice as a logistics manager at P&O Ferrymasters?

The integration of theoretical knowledge with practical application benefits both students and educators. Students gain foresight into their career goals, and educators solidify and expand upon these aspects, infusing their teaching with insights drawn from actual industry experience. This dual approach, particularly for those of us with substantial sector experience, allows us to share real-world scenarios in the classroom, bridging gaps that traditional academic teaching might leave.

The Role of English in Logistics

Q2: With the introduction of teaching Warehouse Management in English, can you discuss the importance of English proficiency for logistics and transportation professionals, especially in your role with the European Management Team at DP World?

Mastery of English is indeed vital, given that it is the lingua franca of business. Ensuring fluency in English is crucial if one aspires to work internationally or maintain cross-border professional relationships. For me, teaching in English is a step towards normalizing its use as a primary means of communication that must be navigated with ease and precision. Professionally, staying current with the logistics market and educational offerings, like the European School’s innovative programs on sustainable transportation, is imperative. Initiatives like the ‘Motorways of the Sea’ demonstrate logistics’ potential to be eco-friendly and innovative, pushing the industry forward alongside societal advancements in digitalization and sustainability.

Hiring for the Logistics Sector

Q3: In your capacity as a hiring manager at a company renowned for its fast-paced logistics operations, what key competencies do you seek in candidates, and do you find that today’s young applicants meet these criteria?

The hiring landscape has indeed shifted; we look beyond impressive resumes and training, which we now consider a given. Instead, we seek individuals who bring unique talents, can relate well to others, and enhance their work environment. We expect newcomers to challenge the status quo with innovative, efficient, and sustainable logistics solutions.

The Attraction and Challenges of the Logistics Sector

Q4: How would you portray the dual nature of the logistics sector, with its exhilarating pace yet demanding environment, to the younger generation?

The logistics sector is challenging and unyielding, requiring professionals to be agile and perpetually learning. It pushes individuals out of their comfort zones and demands their utmost dedication. Simultaneously, it offers an invigorating career—never dull, always rewarding—making it compelling despite its demands. As they say in logistics, once you’re in, you’re hooked, due to its captivating nature. One must be ready to navigate its intensity.

Impact of E-commerce on the Logistics Sector

Q5: Considering the transformation brought by e-commerce to logistics, how do you envision its future development, and what advice would you offer aspiring professionals?

E-commerce, having surged during the pandemic, has since stabilized to a steady growth trajectory. It remains a pivotal force driving logistics innovation, increasingly intertwined with digital technologies and AI. Looking forward, students should remain abreast of industry trends and developments, perhaps through reputable logistics publications.

Experience as Accompanying Professor in the Escola’s MOST Course

Q6: Having served as an accompanying professor on the MOST course by Escola Europea, could you share your experience and the main insights you’ve gained? Would you endorse this experience for your peers?

Concluding with my utmost endorsement, the course was exceptional in every facet. From a professional standpoint, the high-caliber presentations and up-to-date content were impressive. The practical exercises and case study methodology brought a high level of engagement and inspiration for all participants. Witnessing the dedication of students working into the night on case solutions reaffirmed my confidence in the capabilities of the upcoming generations. Beyond the professional realm, the human connections forged during this course were invaluable and deeply enriching.

Ahead of the Curve: Fostering Industry-Relevant Talent at TecnoCampus

Elisa Sayrol, Academic Director – Tecnocampus

This month we are launching our “Journeys in Learning” series, during which we will be interviewing key members of our community on topics that are near and dear to us. For this first issue, we have interviewed Elisa Sayrol, the Academic Director at Tecnocampus.

Challenges in Talent Acquisition

Q: In the process of enhancing TecnoCampus’s structure by seeking new talent, what are the most significant challenges you’ve encountered? How do you navigate the balance between technical skills and soft skills in potential candidates?”

At TecnoCampus University Center, we actively seek talented professionals with diverse backgrounds. On the one hand, for academic roles, we are in search of both full-time professors and part-time lecturers. The former engage in teaching and research as their primary activity, while the latter, with industry or non-university commitments, contribute on a part-time basis. On the other hand, we also recruit non-academic personnel to provide essential administrative and managerial support across our various processes.

When focusing on academic talent, a notable challenge arises in securing full-time professors with doctoral degrees, especially in specialized fields like nursing. Hiring academics with doctoral degrees in these areas can be challenging due to the high level of professionalism. To make careers at TecnoCampus appealing, we offer growth opportunities within the institution, aligning with the standards set by the Agency of University Quality of Catalonia (AQU Catalunya). This ensures that career progression is associated with high standards in teaching, research, and technology transfer. TecnoCampus is also attractive given that our institution has also a business park and we work to have our academics and our students, in some fields, to interact with the companies in the park.

For part-time lecturers working in industry and other institutions, we highly value their practical experience and effective communication skills. Consequently, the balance between technical expertise and soft skills differs for permanent and part-time positions. Permanent roles prioritize technical skills and technology transfer abilities, while part-time lecturers are assessed more on their soft skills and experience.

Nonetheless, we also prioritize soft skills for our full-time professors. During the hiring process, communication skills are crucial for effective teaching and knowledge transfer to students. To continually enhance these skills, we regularly offer courses for both full-time and part-time lecturers.

Currently, our lecturer distribution comprises less than 50% full-time and more than 50% part-time positions, which contrasts with our goal. However, this distribution ensures the availability of highly qualified lecturers for permanent positions, guaranteeing the quality of education provided at TecnoCampus.

Adapting to Diverse Academic Disciplines

Q2: TecnoCampus spans a wide array of disciplines, from health sciences to maritime business. How do you ensure that the talent acquisition strategy is adaptable and inclusive across such varied fields?

In our various fields, we prioritize the recruitment of academics and professionals who meet high standards. This is why we begin by hiring exceptionally talented individuals who, in turn, attract others of similar competence. Our experience has shown that highly skilled individuals are not only proactive but also inspire younger talented lecturers to collaborate. Simultaneously, this virtual circle, often initiated through research activities, has a positive impact on teaching. Effective teaching draws in excellent students, and satisfied alumni become an asset that ultimately benefits the institution.

For instance, we initiated, some time ago, bachelor’s and master’s degrees in logistics and maritime business because of a talented professor in this area. This professor engaged in research, maintained connections with the industry, and attracted both full-time and part-time lecturers. This virtuous circle continues to draw numerous students each year, even in such a specialized field.

Incorporating Industry Trends into Talent Development

Q3: Given the rapid evolution of many sectors represented at TecnoCampus, how do you stay ahead in terms of developing talent that meets the current and future needs of these industries?

Being in touch with industry and field institutions on one side and being aware of advances in research on the other side, is crucial for educational institutions. Additionally, the balance between full-time and part-time lecturers is very important. It is crucial to promote activities that encourage collaboration between these two profiles, from organizing open seminars to working on joint project proposals or even engaging in joint ventures.

Vision for Future Educational Models

Q4: How do you envision the evolution of educational models in response to the changing landscape of the job market and the increasing importance of interdisciplinary skills?

TecnoCampus has recently defined a new educational model for the coming years, based on three primary goals:

  1. Excellence in the teaching-learning process
  2. Transmitting values to our students to cultivate socially responsible individuals, committed to their environment, and prepared for their professional future
  3. Working towards a robust institution with common goals and seeking synergies among our fields.

The educational plan also incorporates seven soft skills that all our students across different degrees must develop from their first year to the last. To achieve these goals and the acquisition of skills, we have outlined seven specific objectives. Some of these objectives focus on the methodology and providing support to engage students in the learning process. Others aim to promote entrepreneurship, define initiatives across various fields, enhance interdisciplinary skills, encourage internationalization, foster connections with companies and institutions, and expose students to the research conducted by our professors.

In summary, this educational framework is designed to thoroughly prepare our graduates with profound knowledge, instilled values, and the ability to learn how to learn in an uncertain future.

Personal Takeaways from the MOST Course

Q5: Based on your experience with the MOST course by Escola Europea, could you share any key insights or lessons you’ve acquired and how these might be applied to enhance talent management and educational leadership strategies at TecnoCampus?

The MOST course is an incredible experience for our students. It develops certain skills in four days, which usually take more time to accomplish within a classroom. It enhances entrepreneurial, communication, and collaborative skills, immersing students in the challenges that the sector faces by solving a realistic case. Furthermore, it provides an international perspective that students often perceive as distant.

I would like many of our teachers who are in the logistics bachelor’s and master’s degrees, and certainly in other fields as well, to experience the MOST course. Some of the reasons would be to undergo realistic, collaborative, and challenge-based learning, and to get to know their students better to subsequently enhance their motivation throughout their studies. I also believe that professors in other fields would find ideas for interdisciplinary activities.

Another lesson learned is that this experience could be expanded to other fields at TecnoCampus. Find an activity that brings students and professors together for a short period, without internet connection, to truly interact and encourage them to apply their knowledge and abilities.

I strongly believe that the methodology of the MOST course, provided by Escola Europea, is a valuable educational practice.

The Future of Talent Acquisition with AI

The recruitment landscape has undergone significant transformations over the years, evolving from manual job postings and paper CVs to digital platforms and social media outreach. In this era of technological advancements, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is setting the stage for the next major shift in talent acquisition. By automating repetitive tasks, offering insights into candidate data, and facilitating more informed decision-making, AI is not only streamlining the recruitment process but also enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of hiring strategies.

The Role of AI in Talent Acquisition

Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing the way companies approach talent acquisition, making the process faster, more accurate, and less biased. AI’s influence is evident in every phase of recruitment, from sourcing candidates to finalizing hires. Unlike traditional methods that rely heavily on human judgment and manual processes, AI-driven strategies utilize data analysis, machine learning, and predictive analytics to optimize recruitment outcomes.

AI tools and platforms are now capable of parsing vast amounts of data to identify the most suitable candidates for a position. These technologies can analyse job descriptions, match them with candidates’ profiles, and even predict the likelihood of a candidate’s success in a role. This level of precision not only streamlines the recruitment process but also ensures a higher quality of hires by matching the right candidates with the right opportunities.

AI in Sourcing Candidates

 The advent of AI in sourcing candidates has dramatically changed the recruitment landscape, enabling companies to find talent more efficiently and effectively. Traditional sourcing methods, such as job boards or recruitment agencies, often require significant time and resources to sift through applicants. In contrast, AI-powered platforms, like LinkedIn and Glassdoor, use sophisticated algorithms to analyse a candidate’s online profile, experience, and skills, suggesting potential matches that fit specific job requirements.

For instance, LinkedIn’s Recruiter tool leverages AI to offer recommendations based on the job description provided by the employer and the candidate’s profile information. This system not only identifies active job seekers but also passive candidates who may not be actively looking for a new job but are open to opportunities. This broader reach ensures that companies have access to a wider talent pool, increasing the chances of finding the perfect match.

AI in CV Screening and Candidate Selection

 One of the most time-consuming aspects of recruitment is the screening of CVs. AI technologies, specifically Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), have revolutionized this process by automating the screening of resumes against job descriptions. Tools such as Taleo, Lever, and Greenhouse use AI to evaluate resumes based on keywords, skills, previous job titles, and other relevant criteria, effectively narrowing down the pool of applicants to those who best match the job requirements.

Beyond just matching skills and experience, some AI systems are designed to assess a candidate’s potential fit within the company culture or predict their performance. For example, Pymetrics uses neuroscience-based games and AI to measure candidates’ cognitive and emotional traits, providing insights that go beyond the traditional resume. This holistic approach ensures that the selection process is not only about finding candidates with the right skills but also about ensuring they align with the company’s values and work environment.

Predicting Candidate Success

 Predicting the long-term success of a candidate is perhaps one of the most innovative applications of AI in talent acquisition. By analyzing patterns and outcomes from past hires, AI algorithms can identify traits and characteristics that are indicative of success in a particular role or organization. Platforms like Harver and HireVue integrate AI assessments and video interviews to evaluate candidates’ responses, using data analytics to predict job performance and retention rates.

This predictive capability is invaluable for organizations, as it helps reduce turnover rates by ensuring that hires are not only qualified for the position but are also likely to thrive and remain with the company long-term. Moreover, by reducing the chances of a bad hire, companies can save significant costs associated with recruitment, training, and potential termination.

Benefits of AI in Talent Acquisition

The integration of AI into talent acquisition processes offers several compelling benefits, from efficiency gains to improved quality of hires:

  • Efficiency and Time Savings: AI significantly reduces the time spent on manual tasks such as sifting through resumes or identifying potential candidates. For example, the AI-powered tool, Textio, assists in crafting job listings that are more likely to attract the right candidates, using data-driven insights to suggest language that appeals to a diverse and talented pool.
  • Improved Quality of Hires: By leveraging AI for more nuanced matching based on skills, experiences, and cultural fit, companies can improve the quality of their hires. For instance, the AI recruitment platform, Ideal, uses machine learning to analyze data on successful past hires, identifying traits and qualifications that correlate with success in specific roles, leading to more informed hiring decisions.
  • Enhanced Candidate Experience: Chatbots like Mya automate the initial stages of the recruitment process, engaging with candidates through natural language processing. This not only speeds up the screening process but also improves the candidate experience by providing immediate responses and feedback.

Challenges and Ethical Considerations

While AI offers numerous advantages, its application in talent acquisition also raises several challenges and ethical concerns:

  • Bias and Fairness: AI systems are only as unbiased as the data they are trained on. Amazon’s scrapped AI recruiting tool is a case in point, where the algorithm developed a bias against female candidates because it was trained on resumes submitted to the company over a 10-year period, predominantly from men. This highlights the need for continuous monitoring and updating of AI systems to ensure fairness.
  • Transparency and Privacy: Ensuring transparency about the use of AI in recruitment and safeguarding candidates’ privacy are paramount. Tools like HireVue, which uses video interviews analyzed by AI to assess candidates, have faced scrutiny over privacy concerns and the transparency of their AI algorithms. Companies must navigate these issues carefully, ensuring compliance with regulations like GDPR and communicating clearly with candidates about the use of AI.
  • Dependency and De-skilling: There’s a risk that reliance on AI could lead to de-skilling of HR professionals, potentially making them overly dependent on technology for decision-making. Balancing the use of AI tools with the human touch and judgment remains crucial.



The future of talent acquisition is undeniably intertwined with AI, offering transformative potential to streamline the recruitment process, enhance the quality of hires, and predict candidate success. However, as we embrace these technologies, it’s imperative to address the challenges they pose, particularly around bias, transparency, and privacy. By doing so, we can harness the power of AI to not only revolutionize how we find and hire talent but also to do so in a way that is fair, ethical, and respectful of candidates’ rights.

We’ve done our research – so should you! Check out our sources below to delve more deeply into the topic:



  1. Forbes – “How Artificial Intelligence Is Transforming The Recruiting Process”:
  2. Harvard Business Review – “Recruiting”:   LinkedIn Talent Blog:
  3. Entrepreneur (Middle East) – “How Artificial Intelligence Is Reinventing Human Resources”:
  4. “How Artificial Intelligence Is Transforming Recruiting Today “:


#BacktoBasics: Short Sea Shipping

 Short Sea Shipping (SSS) refers to the movement of cargo and passengers by sea over short distances, acting as a crucial component of intermodal transport chains. Unlike deep-sea routes that cross oceans, SSS typically operates within the same continent or between nearby countries. It serves as an efficient bridge between other modes of transport, such as road, rail, and inland waterways, facilitating seamless door-to-door services. It is a central part of intermodal transport, and this is why we are focusing on it in this month’s #BacktoBasics series.

Cruise Roma - Grimaldi Lines

Cruise Roma – a short sea shipping ferry berthed in the Port of Barcelona

Advantages of Short Sea Shipping

SSS offers numerous benefits over other transportation methods. Environmentally, it’s significantly cleaner, producing lower emissions per tonne of cargo moved compared to road and air transport when looking at transport emissions through a global lens. Economically, SSS can be more cost-effective, especially for bulk or heavy goods, due to lower fuel costs and economies of scale. It also alleviates congestion on busy road networks and is characterized by high reliability and safety standards.

  • Environmental Benefits: One of the most compelling advantages of SSS is its reduced environmental footprint. Maritime transport emits significantly lower levels of CO2 and pollutants per tonne-kilometre of cargo transported compared to road and air transport. This makes SSS a cornerstone of sustainable logistics strategies, particularly important in the context of global efforts to combat climate change. The adoption of cleaner fuel technologies and advanced vessel designs further enhances the environmental credentials of SSS, making it an even more attractive option for eco-conscious businesses.
  • Cost-effectiveness: From a financial perspective, SSS offers considerable savings, especially for bulk and heavy cargo. The economies of scale achievable with maritime transport mean that larger volumes of goods can be moved at a lower cost per unit than would be possible with road or air freight. Additionally, the indirect costs associated with road congestion and the wear-and-tear on infrastructure are significantly reduced, presenting a compelling case for businesses looking to optimize their supply chain expenses.
  • Congestion Relief on Land Routes: By shifting a portion of cargo traffic from congested roadways to the sea, SSS plays a vital role in alleviating traffic congestion. This not only improves the efficiency of the transport system as a whole but also contributes to reducing accidents and delays associated with over-reliance on road transport. In urban areas, where road congestion is a significant issue, SSS can offer a practical solution to reduce pressure on land transport infrastructure.
  • Reliability and Safety: Maritime transport is known for its reliability and safety record. The predictable nature of sea routes, free from the unpredictability of road traffic conditions, allows for more accurate scheduling and planning. The stringent international regulations governing maritime safety and the professional operation of vessels further ensure that cargo transported via SSS reaches its destination securely.
  • Versatility and Accessibility: SSS offers unparalleled versatility, capable of accommodating a wide range of cargo types—from liquid bulk and dry bulk to containers and oversized loads. This flexibility makes it an essential component of diverse supply chains. Moreover, with the extensive network of ports and coastal routes, SSS provides access to regions and markets that might be challenging to reach via other modes of transport, thus enabling businesses to explore new opportunities and expand their reach.
  • Integration with Other Modes of Transport: A key advantage of SSS is its ability to integrate seamlessly with other transport modes, such as road, rail, and inland waterways. This multimodal connectivity ensures that goods can be transported from origin to destination efficiently and cost-effectively, leveraging the strengths of each mode. For instance, SSS can be used for the main leg of transportation, with road transport covering the ‘last mile’ delivery, thus combining the cost and environmental benefits of maritime transport with the convenience and reach of road transport.

Differences Between SSS and Other Modes of Transport

While long-haul sea shipping focuses on transporting goods across oceans, SSS emphasizes shorter, more frequent services. Compared to road transport, SSS can handle higher volumes at lower costs, with less environmental impact. Against rail and air, SSS stands out for its versatility in cargo types and routes, though it may not match the speed of air freight or the land coverage of rail.

RoTypes of Traffic and Vessels in SSS

SSS employs a variety of vessels to accommodate different cargo types:

  • Roll-on/Roll-off (Ro-Ro) Ships: Ideal for wheeled cargo like trucks and trailers, allowing for quick loading and unloading.
  • Lift-on/Lift-off (Lo-Lo) Ships: Used for containers and bulky goods, loaded and unloaded by cranes.
  • Container Ships: Specialized for containerized cargo, facilitating easy transfer between different transport modes.
  • Ferries (Ro-Pax) and Barge Services: Transport both passengers and vehicles across short distances.

Key Considerations for Businesses

When integrating Short Sea Shipping (SSS) into their logistics strategies, businesses should consider the following:

  • Route Selection: It’s crucial to choose SSS routes that offer dependable schedules and connect well to inland transport. Aligning these routes with the supply chain can cut down transit times and expenses.
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis: SSS can be more economical than other transport methods, but businesses should weigh all costs, including tariffs and inventory expenses, against the benefits, such as reduced congestion and emissions.
  • Environmental Considerations: SSS is a greener option, which companies can use to their advantage in marketing efforts and to meet sustainability goals.
  • Integration with Other Transport Modes: Coordination with road, rail, and air freight is essential for the efficient movement of goods, necessitating strong partnerships with various stakeholders in the supply chain.

By carefully assessing these factors, businesses can fully leverage the advantages of SSS and enhance their overall logistics operations.


Examples and Success Stories

  • The Baltic Sea Region: The Baltic Sea is a prime example of effective SSS, connecting countries like Sweden, Finland, and the Baltic states with Germany, Poland, and Russia. Services such as the Viking Line and Tallink Silja offer frequent Ro-Ro and passenger ferry services, facilitating trade and tourism. This region showcases how SSS can offer a competitive alternative to land and air transport, especially in areas with challenging geography.
  • Mediterranean SSS Corridors: The Mediterranean region has developed robust SSS corridors that link European ports with North Africa and the Middle East, serving as vital links for freight and passenger movement. Companies like Grimaldi Lines or GNV operate extensive Ro-Ro, Lo-Lo, and ferry services, supporting regional trade and contributing to economic development.
  • North American Great Lakes: The Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway System is a key SSS route in North America, allowing ships to move cargo from the Atlantic Ocean to the industrial heartland of the USA and Canada. This route demonstrates SSS’s role in supporting domestic and international trade, reducing highway traffic, and promoting economic growth in the region.


The future of Short Sea Shipping (SSS) looks promising as global trends lean towards more sustainable and integrated transport solutions. As businesses and governments seek to reduce carbon emissions and alleviate congestion on roads, SSS stands out as a viable and attractive option. Advancements in ship technology, such as the use of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and other alternative fuels, are making SSS even more environmentally friendly. Additionally, digitalization and the use of blockchain technology in maritime logistics are expected to enhance efficiency, transparency, and security in SSS operations.

The increasing emphasis on multimodal transport networks will further elevate the importance of SSS, making it an integral component of global supply chains. As we move towards a greener and more connected world, SSS is poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of transportation and logistics.

We’ve done our research – so should you! Check out our sources below to delve more deeply into the topic:


  1. European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA): “The Environmental Benefits of Short Sea Shipping
  2. International Maritime Organization (IMO): “Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Ships
  3. The Baltic Sea Region Intermodal Transport Research: “Efficiency and Sustainability of SSS in the Baltic Sea.
  4. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development: Short Sea Shipping and the Energy Transition”:
  5. Mediterranean Shipping Company Case Studies: “Innovative Solutions for Mediterranean Short Sea Shipping.”
  6. The Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway System: ” Great Lakes Short-Sea Shipping Could Improve US-Canada Cargo Movement”:

eFTI: One step closer towards the digitization of European transport

This month, for our #BlueInnovation feature, we thought we would look at Electronic Freight Transport Information – or eFTI for short. The world of transport and logistics is constantly evolving, driven by technological advancements and regulatory changes. In this landscape, eFTI has emerged as a pivotal innovation, reshaping how freight information is shared and managed across Europe. eFTI has the potential to being transformative, promising to streamline processes, enhance transparency, and improve efficiency in the transport sector. As the European Union moves towards more sustainable and digitised transport systems, understanding eFTI becomes crucial for professionals navigating the intermodal, road, air, and rail transport sectors (excluding maritime). This is why we chose to shine a spotlight on the subject.

Understanding eFTI

What is eFTI? The Electronic Freight Transport Information is a European Regulation (eFTI) regulation establishes a legal framework for the exchange of regulatory information related to the transport of goods. It facilitates economic operators, such as companies involved in freight transport and logistics, to share information in an electronic format with judicial authorities. This applies to the transport of goods by road, rail, inland waterway, or air within the European Union. Officially known as Regulation 2020/1056, it was enacted on August 20, 2020 following the recmmeondations of experts in the DTLF group (Data Transport and Logistics Forum). It will be fully applicable and enter into force on August 21, 2024

eFTI represents a significant leap in managing and sharing freight data. At its core, it is a digital system designed to replace paper-based processes in freight transport with electronic alternatives. This shift is not merely about changing the medium of information exchange but also about enhancing the quality, accessibility, and reliability of freight data. “The eFTI Regulation may affect several EU regulations, such as those on combined transport, road cabotage, waste shipment, dangerous goods, aviation safety and rail interoperability, among others” (PierNext, Port de Barcelona).

Traditionally, freight transport information has been heavily reliant on paper documents – a method that, while familiar, is fraught with inefficiencies. Paper documents are easily misplaced, can be slow to process, and often lead to delays and increased administrative burdens. eFTI, by contrast, introduces a streamlined, digital approach. Information is stored and shared electronically, enabling real-time updates, greater transparency, and faster decision-making processes. This digital transformation aligns with broader EU efforts to modernize the transport sector, making it more resilient and efficient.

One of the key technological aspects of eFTI is its interoperability. The system is designed to work seamlessly across various platforms and stakeholders, including transport companies, logistics providers, and regulatory bodies. This compatibility ensures that eFTI can be integrated into existing infrastructures with minimal disruption, facilitating a smoother transition from traditional methods.

Implications for European Transport Professionals

The implementation of eFTI within the European Union carries significant implications for transport professionals. These implications include:

  • Regulatory Compliance: Transport professionals must familiarize themselves with regulations mandating the use of eFTI systems to ensure compliance. This includes understanding the specific data formats required, data sharing protocols, and privacy considerations under EU law. Non-compliance could result in legal repercussions and operational delays.
  • Operational Efficiency: Instant accessibility of data reduces waiting times and speeds up the overall transport process. For logistics companies, this means faster turnaround times and the potential for increased profitability. It also allows for better tracking of goods, improving supply chain visibility and reliability.
  • Training: Transport companies will need get familiarised with the necessary technology and train their staff to adapt to this new system. The challenging aspect of this innovation is that its implementation requires multi-stakeholders agreement to replace the paper documents by electronic data sets. This is why the involvement of governments is critical in its implementation – not only to accept the electronic documents (compulsory as from August 25), but to promote them among the private sector (and potentially even making them compulsory).

 eFTI’s Role in the Maritime Transport Context

The eFTI regulation, due to be fully implemented by August 2024, will streamline information exchange across European transport sectors, except for maritime transport, which is regulated separately by the European Maritime Single Window environment Regulation (EMSWe). While eFTI integrates road, rail, and inland waterway data systems, the EMSWe specifically caters to maritime affairs.

Nevertheless, ports, as multimodal hubs, will still experience indirect impacts from eFTI. Improvements in terrestrial transport data flow could lead to more efficient maritime logistics, particularly in port operations where various transport modes intersect. Professionals in the maritime sector must navigate the EMSWe while acknowledging the complementary role of eFTI within the larger transport ecosystem. The alignment of these digital initiatives is pivotal for advancing a unified, efficient EU transport network.

Concluding thoughts

The eFTI initiative represents more than a mere change in regulation; it is a significant step toward creating a transport ecosystem that is more digital, efficient, and transparent—reflecting the broader shift toward digital transformation in various sectors. It is essential to understand that the eFTI regulation is not just a recommended standard but rather a foundational step in the standardization of digital information across Europe.

Adoption of the eFTI framework by companies as soon as possible is advantageous, as it will substantially alter operational methodologies within the logistics sector. The regulatory framework has been established, and key implementation dates are on the horizon:

  • August 24, 2024: eFTI platforms are eligible to begin their certification process.
  • August 26, 2024: Member State authorities are mandated to start accepting eFTI data.
  • February 29, 2025: The rule mandating the use of eFTI for the private sector will be reconsidered.

In the interim, private entities are encouraged to adopt eFTI protocols, and it is within the purview of individual Member States to enforce eFTI-related obligations within their jurisdictions.

Join us in shaping the future of transport!

We’ve done our research – so should you! Check out our sources below to delve more deeply into the topic:



On Track for the Future: Rail Freight in Europe 2024

This month in our #DidYouKnow series, we’re taking a closer look at the dynamic and ever-evolving world of rail transport. Cast your mind back to 2021, hailed as the European Year of Rail. This initiative wasn’t just a ceremonial nod to an old industry; it symbolised a renewed commitment to transforming Europe’s transport landscape. But what has changed since then? How has rail freight adapted and grown in this period? And more importantly, as we look towards 2024, what are the exciting developments and prospects that lie ahead for rail freight in Europe? In this post, we’ll delve into the successes, the challenges, and the innovative strides shaping the future of rail freight, a sector that’s proving to be more than just a link in our supply chains, but a key to sustainable, efficient, and resilient transportation in Europe.


Current State of Rail Freight in Europe

Rail freight is becoming increasingly vital in the European transport landscape, especially in the context of ecological sustainability. As part of the European Green Deal, rail freight is identified as a key player in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The goal? To shift a substantial portion of freight from road to rail, aiming for a 30% share of rail in European freight transport by 2030.

Here’s why rail freight stands out:

  • Emission Efficiency: A freight train emits just 24 grams of greenhouse gases per ton transported and kilometre travelled, making it significantly cleaner than road freight. This efficiency is less than one-fifth of the emissions produced by road freight vehicles.
  • E-Mobility Dominance: The rail freight sector is already ahead in e-mobility. The more we take advantage of green electricity, the closer we get to net-zero emissions.
  • Continued Potential for Improvement: As green energy sources become more prevalent, the rail sector’s environmental footprint is poised to reduce even further.

These are some of the factors that underscore the strategic importance of rail in Europe’s transition to a more sustainable transport network.

Challenges and Opportunities

While the prospects of rail freight in Europe are bright, the path is not without its challenges. A crucial aspect of realizing the EU’s ambitious target for rail freight involves addressing the current obstacles and harnessing the emerging opportunities. So let’s have a look at what they are: 

Obstacles to Growth:

  • Infrastructural Variability: The EU member states present a diverse picture in terms of rail freight capabilities. For instance, while Lithuania boasts a rail freight share of 64.7%, Greece lags behind with just 3.2%. Such disparities reflect the varied infrastructural and economic landscapes across the region.
  • Territorial Fragmentation: Perhaps the most significant hurdle is the lack of standardization. In contrast to road transport’s seamless cross-border operations, rail freight often encounters barriers at national borders due to differing technical standards and regulations. This territorial fragmentation hinders the efficiency and attractiveness of rail freight as a pan-European transport solution.

Opportunities for Advancement:

  • Investment in Infrastructure: According to the latest EU report, there’s been significant investment in rail infrastructure. In 2020, EU Member States reported a total funding of €40.65 billion for rail infrastructure. This investment is pivotal in modernizing and harmonizing rail networks across Europe.
  • Electrification of Tracks: The move towards electrification is noteworthy. With varying rates of network electrification across EU countries, there’s substantial scope for expansion, enhancing both the environmental and operational efficiency of rail freight.

Future Outlook and Things to Look Out for in 2024

As we advance into 2024, the rail freight sector in Europe is poised at an exciting juncture, with several developments worth watching:

  • Increased Infrastructure Investment: Ongoing investment in rail infrastructure will continue to be a major focus, aimed at enhancing efficiency and connectivity across the continent.
  • Advancements in Automation and Digitization: The rail freight industry is rapidly embracing technological innovations. Automation in rail operations promises to enhance efficiency and safety, reducing the reliance on manual processes. Digitization, on the other hand, is set to revolutionize the way freight is managed and tracked, offering more transparent, reliable, and efficient logistics solutions. These advancements are not just futuristic concepts; they are becoming tangible realities that are reshaping the landscape of rail freight.
  • Standardization Efforts: The push towards standardization across the EU rail network is expected to gain momentum. This will facilitate smoother cross-border rail freight movement, making it a more attractive option for shippers.
  • Growth in Rail’s Freight Share: With these initiatives and investments, an increase in rail’s share of the overall freight transport market in Europe is anticipated. This growth will be a testament to the sector’s adaptability and commitment to meeting the evolving demands of trade and commerce.

These trends signal a robust future for rail freight, contributing significantly to a more sustainable and interconnected Europe.

Concluding thoughts

As we look towards the future, the significance of rail freight in Europe’s transport network becomes increasingly clear. Since the European Year of Rail in 2021, the journey towards 2024 has been marked by remarkable strides, setting the stage for an even more promising path ahead.

Innovations in rail technology, including automation and digitalization, are set to revolutionize freight transport. These advancements are not just about enhancing efficiency; they’re about reshaping how goods move across Europe. Moreover, the strengthening of supply chain resilience through rail freight is becoming increasingly crucial in a rapidly changing global trade landscape.

The road ahead involves enhanced cooperation among EU nations, key to overcoming the challenge of territorial fragmentation and achieving a truly integrated rail network. This cooperation is vital not only for the internal dynamics of the EU but also for its role in global trade and logistics, where rail freight offers a reliable and efficient alternative to other modes of transport.

In light of these exciting developments, our upcoming course on intermodal freight operations – SURCO Aragón. It’s an opportunity for professionals to gain critical skills in optimising transport operations, balancing cost, time, and environmental considerations, with a special focus on integrating rail for maximum efficiency and sustainability.

Are you ready to be at the forefront of this exciting sector? Explore this edition of our SURCO course in intermodal freight operations (offered in Spanish) and gain the expertise to optimise your transport operations, integrating rail for maximum efficiency and sustainability. 

Join us in shaping the future of transport!

We’ve done our research – so should you! Check out our sources below to delve more deeply into the topic: 


  1. “The Future of Rail Freight in Europe” – DHL Freight Connections. DHL Freight Connections.
  2. “What has changed in European rail: the highlights of the latest EU report” – RailTech, October 2023. RailTech Article
  3. European Environment Agency. European Environment Agency Website.
  4. European Commission – European Green Deal. European Green Deal Information.
  5. European Commission’s Transport and Mobility Overview. European Commission – Transport.
  6. EU Infrastructure Investment Reports. EU Infrastructure Investment Data.
  7. European Railway Review: Articles and reports on the latest trends and future projections in rail transport within Europe. European Railway Review.

The future begins with the letter “R” for the railway

Written by José Andrés Arribas Navarro, Economist and Manager at FAPROVE

We want to talk about the railway. But before that, I wanted to share a brief preamble.

The easiest thing in life is making decisions. The difficult part is ensuring that these decisions are good. To make good decisions, one must not be swayed by the opinions of those in power, pressure groups, short-sighted interests, or dangerous friendships. You need to be convinced and believe in what you’re proposing. The commitment to these decisions should have a long-term perspective, durability over time, and aim to improve the well-being, optimizing the quality of life for all current stakeholders and even future generations.

This is the essence of nation-building and societal improvement. It’s only after many years that we can fully grasp the significance of such a commitment, understand its true scope, and admire the visionary leader who, despite facing numerous challenges, bravely defended the long-term interests of a nation’s citizens against the self-serving and detrimental interests of a privileged few.

I mention this reflection because history has offered us numerous instances of favorable decisions that have enhanced our quality of life. These improvements were made possible through the boldness of visionaries who, in their time, overcame opposition from those motivated by personal and self-serving interests.

The current state of freight rail in the United States can be explained by Lincoln’s determination.

In the latter half of the 19th century, within the United States, each state and private company held the authority to construct railways and determine their own track gauges. Remarkably, by 1871, a staggering 23 distinct gauges existed, ranging from 914 to 1829 mm. The resistance to standardizing rail gauges was rooted in the fact that substantial profits were generated by transferring goods between various trains at state borders, creating employment opportunities through hospitality, trade, maintenance, and more.

Without delving into the debates that unfolded at the end of the Civil War, which centred on the necessity of standardizing track gauges and ending the prevalent disorder, what deserves emphasis is the decision-making process behind finding a long-term solution with a wide-ranging vision, enduring sustainability, and benefits for future generations. In 1865, Abraham Lincoln, after listening to voices from both the South and North and likely recognizing the adoption of ‘Stephenson’s gauge’ by the British Parliament in 1846 (fixing the track gauge at approximately 4 feet 8½ inches or 1,435 mm), resolved that the transcontinental railroad should adopt the 1,435 mm gauge. The project was successfully completed in 1869 at Promontory, Utah. It’s highly probable that a significant portion of the current freight transportation by rail in the United States can be attributed to Lincoln’s unwavering determination.

Turning our attention to a different continent, the 20th century introduced us to another visionary figure whose decision-making was rooted in a concern for future generations. Robert Schuman’s contributions stand as a testament to his unwavering commitment to laying the foundation for the modern European Union. Our gratitude for his relentless efforts can never be overstated.

What’s truly captivating about this idea sown more than seven decades ago is its role in nurturing progress, cultivating democratic values, and fostering solidarity among nations. It has also paved the way for ‘erga omnes’ measures. Presently, the EU comprises 27 member countries out of the 50 on the European continent, with ongoing requests for membership in this exclusive alliance. The departure of the United Kingdom in 2020 serves as a conspicuous example of a misguided decision driven by populism, short-term objectives, and leaders lacking a forward-thinking vision for the well-being of future generations.

The “Digital Automatic Coupling” (DAC) system goes beyond coupling and uncoupling train cars.

The purpose of this extensive preamble is to underscore that it is by no means a coincidence that, just a few weeks ago, on July 10th, an unprecedented sectoral declaration was issued, advocating for the adoption of the ‘Digital Automatic Coupling’ (DAC) system as the standard for implementation across the European railway industry in the context of freight transportation. The DAC’s significance extends beyond the conventional aspects of physically coupling and uncoupling freight train cars without human intervention, which has been the traditional practice. It also encompasses the realm of digitalization, achieved through electrical connections, thus bolstering connectivity and data efficiency. This transformative technology enables the automation of various railway operations, including electronic waybills, train documentation, real-time information, and more. In doing so, it ushers in a genuine revolution aligned with the EU’s Green Deal objectives, with a keen focus on sustainability, decarbonization, and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

In this declaration, all the undersigned parties, including European railway associations, railway companies, manufacturers, wagon owners, carriers, as well as national and European customer associations—comprising over 70 entities across the value chain—demonstrate their unwavering commitment to endorsing automation and digitalization as the future industry standard. This collective commitment is anticipated to pave the way for a safer and more contemporary work environment for employees. Furthermore, in the long term, it is envisioned to be the cornerstone for the revitalization of rail freight transport, fostering its wider adoption and aligning it with ecological and sustainable practices in Europe. The document comprehensively outlines the current scenario and proposes the establishment of a Centralized European Deployment Management Entity, entrusted with overseeing the attainment of three pivotal milestones within this ambitious plan:

  1. The creation of a governing entity responsible for framing the legal and budgetary foundation,
  2. The pre-deployment of DAC, scheduled from 2025 to 2028, dedicated to large-scale testing, and
  3. The formal deployment of the DAC system commencing in 2028.

The verdict from Brussels will shape the destiny of 500,000 freight cars, potentially rendering them interoperable, elevating the market share of rail freight, and realizing the goals of the Green Deal. Most crucially, it will determine the continued growth and prosperity of Robert Schuman’s ‘father of Europe’ vision.


This article originally appeared on the El Mercantil website in Spanish. It is being published here with the author’s permission: