Logo for the Port2Rail course

Training course in maritime-rail intermodality with a focus on port-rail operations

Accessing specific training in intermodal transport and the operations that take place to move between different modes of transport in ports, with a particular focus on rail transport, will allow you to design, build and manage door-to-door logistics operations more efficiently and safely, and will provide you with the tools to analyse direct costs and environmental impact for their subsequent optimisation.

Three days

Other (contact us)

Lisbon, with visits to Sines, Setùbal and Leixões


Included in the tuition are the training materials, diploma, accommodation, meals (scheduled in the programme) and transfers from the terminals to the hotels.

Prices subject to change.

  • To analyse the different elements that must be combined for the provision of rail-port services.

  • To give the necessary training and information to those who are going to decide and manage logistics chains in which the railway can be seen as a profitable alternative in terms of services, cost or time.

Participant Profile
  • Professionals dedicated to the maritime-railway transport of freight and logistics
  • Final year logistics, transport management and international business students
Workshop during the SURCO Operations II course


In this course participants gain a complete view of port-rail operations and terminals in ports connected by the railway. Highly experienced professionals explain firsthand how operations are organised, managed and developed in such logistics infrastructures.

Students attending a lecture during one of the Escola's courses



Course participants networking during a lunch break



Stay tuned for the programmes of the next editions!

  • Maritime and Rail Transport and Logistics. Equipment and transport system by type of traffic: containers, bulk, general cargo, etc.
  • Maritime-Rail Situation in Ports Rail-Port Infrastructures:
    • Technical characteristics of the rail freight network
    • Rail freight terminal
    • Railroad access to ports
    • Internal rail network and its integration into the service area
  • Rail Freight Services:
    • Regular services. Exclusive and mixed traffic
    • Terminal services
    • Economic operators: railway undertakings and operators
    • Services at inland sea terminals
  • Railway Management Models:
    • European rail transport policy
    • Rail terminals in ports: legislation, division of functions and services

Muy buena organización, profesores y contenido. Visitas muy interesantes igual que la oportunidad de conocer y hacer networking con los compañeros.

Visto desde el transporte convencional: increíbles, una visión completamente nueva.

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