The second edition of Forma’t al Port – Talent concludes, the high-performance training for the future talents of the Port of Barcelona
This week marked the conclusion of the second edition of a high-performance training programme called Forma’t al Port Talent. This training is tailored for the top students from professional training centers in the metropolitan area of Barcelona. Eleven institutes from the Barcelona area participated in this edition, which was funded by various collaborating companies in the local logistics and port community. The initiative aims to train the best students on their path to becoming future employees of the companies involved in the programme.
BARCELONA, NOVEMBER 8, 2023 – The second edition of the Forma’t al Port Talent training programme concluded this past Tuesday, November 7, with the participation of 41 students and 11 teachers from various professional training institutes in the metropolitan area of Barcelona including: Institut Jaume Mimó, Escola Técnico Profesional Xavier, Instituto ECAT Barcelona Lluïsa Cura, Prat Educació, Stucom, Institut Estela Ibérica, Centro López Vicuña, Instituto La Salle – Gràcia, Fundación UAB, Barcelona Logistics Institute, and Institut Carles Vallbona.
Thanks to the collaborative efforts of the Port of Barcelona, the Escola Europea – Intermodal Transport, the Diputación de Barcelona, the City Council of Barcelona, the Consorcio de la Zona Franca, port community associations, and a conglomerate of sector companies, all committed and interested in education, come together to make the Forma’t al Port programme possible. This initiative, driven by the Escola Europea, allows sponsoring companies of the Programme to address one of the most significant issues in the industry, identified within the framework of the Training and Employment working group of the Board of Directors of the Port of Barcelona: namely the shortage of qualified talent.
The President of the Escola Europea and the Port of Barcelona, Lluís Salvador, along with Catalina Grimalt, the Deputy Director General of Internal Resources, expressed this sentiment during the welcome reception for the selected participants at the beginning of the course. Montse Nomen, CEO of CargoClub Forwarders and CargoWine, and Jesús Martínez from Tecnocampus de Mataró also participated in the course’s commencement to share some inspiring experiences with the students to help them in their future in the industry.
This high-performance programme aims to identify the most talented candidates from the leading institutes in Barcelona through a rigorous selection process. Students had to surpass a series of tests and interviews to be chosen and invited to participate.
Those selected to participate had the opportunity to experience the components that make up a logistics and port community firsthand. Additionally, they received a detailed report of their professional profile, enabling them to become part of a specialized job pool for the companies involved in this training.
Similarly, accompanying teachers also received specific training aimed at identifying profiles based on behavioral patterns for better guidance of their students.
The entirely in-person and English-language programme unfolded over five days during which both participants and teachers had the opportunity to cultivate cross-cutting skills such as teamwork, communication, and organization through the resolution of an operation using the a case study. The course, conducted on board a Grimaldi Lines Ro-Pax vessel, along an SSS route between Barcelona and Civitavecchia, is designed for participants to acquire technical training. They get to witness the management and execution of maritime intermodal operations and observe how different actors in the logistics and port community of Barcelona interact. Additionally, participants learn the technical vocabulary of the sector and navigate an international port environment.
An increasing number of companies are participating in the programme, benefiting from access to a job pool featuring candidates specifically chosen through meticulous testing and selection processes. These candidates are trained to become the future professionals with the most talent from their institutes. Some of the companies that are already investing in the future talents of the sector include the Association of Ship Brokers of Barcelona, the Official College of Customs Agents and Customs Representatives of Barcelona, the City Council of El Prat, the Association of International Forwarders and Shippers, GCA, Port Transport S.A., CIMALSA, Condeminas, the Propeller Club Barcelona, Cosco Shipping, ZAL Port, and the recent addition of Balearia.
In this way, the Forma’t al Port Talent programme proves to be a reflection of the evolving needs for talent and training in the logistics and port sector. It provides participants with the knowledge, skills, and latest trends necessary to succeed in the transportation and logistics industry, benefiting both the participants and the companies by supplying the best qualified talent in Barcelona.