Innovative AI Training for Port Logistics by Escola Europea

The Escola Europea has recently launched a pioneering series of courses dedicated to exploring the applications of artificial intelligence (AI) specifically within port logistics communities. This initiative underscores the institution’s commitment to integrating contemporary technological advancements into their educational repertoire.

Since its inception, the Escola Europea has been renowned for its experiential teaching approaches, ensuring that students gain practical, hands-on experience in addition to theoretical knowledge. The decision to introduce a series focused on AI applications within port logistics communities stems from the institution’s desire to keep pace with the rapidly evolving technological landscape. With AI increasingly permeating nearly all aspects of employment fields, it is essential to equip professionals with the knowledge and skills to navigate these changes effectively.

Courses Overview

The AI course series has already seen the successful organization of three insightful sessions, all focusing on port logistics communities. With each session taught by a seasoned professional, the courses offer specialized and valuable insights. The first course delved into AI applications in people management within ports, offering participants a comprehensive understanding of how AI can enhance workforce management and development in this specialized field. The second course focused on marketing and sales, demonstrating how AI tools can be leveraged to optimize marketing strategies and sales operations specific to port environments. The third session addressed AI’s role in finance and administrations in port logistics, highlighting its potential to streamline administrative processes and improve financial management within these communities.

The final course in this series, scheduled for July, will concentrate on operations within port logistics communities. This session aims to provide participants with a deep dive into the operational efficiencies that AI can bring to port logistics, from automation to predictive analytics.

The logistics sector, particularly within port communities, stands to benefit significantly from AI integration. AI technologies can enhance various aspects of logistics operations, including inventory management, shipment tracking, and predictive maintenance. By offering these specialized courses, Escola Europea is ensuring that professionals in the field are well-prepared to harness the power of AI, driving innovation and efficiency in their respective roles.

The Escola’s dedication to staying ahead of technological trends is evident in their proactive approach to education. By continuously updating and expanding their course offerings to include cutting-edge topics like AI, the organisation demonstrates its commitment to providing relevant and impactful education. This innovative course series is set to become a staple in their educational offerings, reflecting the institution’s forward-thinking ethos.

Final thoughts

“In an era where AI is not just an emerging technology but a critical component of various industries, staying informed and adept is not just beneficial—it’s imperative,” said Marta Miquel – the Chief Business Officer from the Escola Europea. As AI continues to transform various sectors, the Escola initiative to introduce AI-focused courses within port logistics communities is both timely and essential, fostering a generation of leaders ready to embrace and drive technological innovation.

John Dewey, an influential philosopher and educator, once said, “Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.” This new series of courses is a testament to Escola Europea’s enduring commitment to excellence and innovation in education, ensuring that the logistics community is well-prepared for the future.

PLIKA’s First Annual Event at SIL Strengthens Global Connections in Logistics

On the 6th of June 2024, from 17:30 to 19:00, the first annual event of PLIKA – Port Logistics International Knowledge Academy took place at the SIL Conference, representing a major advancement in the logistics and international trade sector. The event, which was held in a hybrid format, offered a platform for introducing the core values of PLIKA, presenting the newly formed committees, and highlighting the Board directors and training centre’s commitment to fostering the exchange of knowledge and experiences.

The event began with a warm welcome and inspiring words from the President, Eduard Rodés, the director of the Escola Europea – Intermodal Transport, who highlighted PLIKA’s mission and the bright prospects for this community. His address was complemented by supportive messages from Vice President Ana Rumbeu, the director of training at the Valenciaport Foundation, and Vice President Alaa Morsy, Dean at the Port Training Institute and Maritime Research and Consultation Center, Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport. Their enthusiasm and dedication were evident, setting an inspiring precedent for the discussions that followed. “Seeing the enthusiasm and commitment of our founding members at this inaugural event fills me with immense pride. PLIKA is not just a network; it is a family united by a shared vision of a brighter future for logistics education and innovation,” commented Eduard Rodés as the festivities ended.

A key highlight of the event was the introduction of PLIKA’s esteemed founding and regular members. These include prominent figures such as Ms. Taheya Elsherbeny (Port Training Institute, AASTMT), Mr. Rami Seeman, Ms. Marta Miquel (Escola Europea – Intermodal Transport), Ms. Valeria Munar (Escola Europea – Intermodal Transport), Mr. Ramon Van Hall (STC Group), and Mr. Pim Oosterhoff (STC Group). Other notable members introduced were Mr. Adam Daoud from Saudi Logistics Academy, Mr. José Antonio Vásquez and Ms. Àngels Vives Serra from ILB, Mr. Jordi Font and Ms. Marisa Clavero from the Lluisa-Cura Institute, Mr. Elwyn Pitt from GMLS, Mr. Rabih Sabra from the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Beirut & Mount Lebanon, Ms. Lidia Slawinska from the Escola Europea – Intermodal Transport, and their dedicated PLIKERS. These individuals and their teams showed their commitment to a brighter future for the sector.

The formation of various committees dedicated to different aspects of logistics and trade was also a significant agenda of the event. These committees—Promotion, Membership, Employment, Innovation, Technological, and Academic—are set to play a crucial role in building this resilient educational collaborative network that aims to revolutionise the industry.

This inaugural event has clearly opened the doors to greater unity and collaboration among diverse participants in the sector. It provided a unique opportunity for attendees to connect, share ideas, and lay the groundwork for a strong, cooperative community. The positive outcomes and hopeful prospects resulting from this initiative have sparked curiosity and anticipation about the future steps of this collaborative educational platform.

Looking ahead, the results and aspirations stemming from this first event are very encouraging. PLIKA aims to become a cornerstone in the educational landscape of logistics and international trade, fostering a community that thrives on shared knowledge and mutual support for growth and improvement.

The Escola and Port Authority of Livorno Forge Strategic Training Partnership

The Escola is delighted to announce a new strategic collaboration between Escola Europea and the Port Authority of Livorno (Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mar Tirreno Settentrionale – AdSP-MTS). This agreement, aimed at enhancing training and development in the maritime and logistics sectors, marks a significant milestone in our mutual efforts to promote intermodal transport and port operations. Valid for three years from the date of signing, the agreement outlines the responsibilities of both parties in coordinating and delivering its signature training programmes. The Escola will be responsible for organizing and managing the courses, ensuring the highest standards of teaching and administration. AdSP-MTS will coordinate with the Escola to establish course dates, provide necessary information to participants, and appoint representatives to oversee and support the training activities.

Commitment to Excellence in Training

The Escola Europea will collaborate closely with AdSP-MTS, an organization renowned for its extensive experience in research and training projects. Both parties recognize the critical role of professional development in enhancing the competitiveness of the port cluster. Through this agreement, we aim to develop and deliver high-quality training programs tailored to the needs of port and logistics professionals. Under this agreement, AdSP-MTS agrees to participate in key training initiatives of the Escola, including the “Rome Port Academy,” “MOST – Motorways of the Sea Training,” “Port Virtual Lab,” and “PLIKA.” These programmes will provide valuable opportunities for the exchange of knowledge and skills, benefiting terminal operators, freight forwarders, maritime agencies, and logistics companies.

Participation in MOST Italy Course

As part of our ongoing collaboration, the Port Authority of Livorno will send two of its employees to participate in our MOST Italy course this month. This participation is expected to continue in the years to come, fostering a deeper understanding of sustainable intermodal transport and enhancing the professional capabilities of port personnel.

Future Projects and Partnerships

In addition to the current initiatives, the Escola and AdSP-MTS are committed to partnering on new projects, particularly those funded by European and international programmes. This collaboration aims to further the exchange and growth of professional competencies within the port and logistics sectors.Together, we will continue to promote sustainable intermodal transport and advance the knowledge and skills essential for the future of the maritime industry.

For more information about our training programmes and upcoming initiatives, please visit our website or contact our team directly.

Pioneering AI in HR Course Sets the Stage for an Innovative Training Series

Barcelona, April 4, 2024 — A revolutionary professional course series has started with a successful session led by Miquel Ángel Mora of and organised by the Escola Europea together with the Training and Employment Group of the Port of Barcelona, focusing on the integration of Artificial Intelligence into Human Resource (HR) Management. This flagship course, the first of a four-part series, saw an impressive attendance from nearly 20 top-tier local companies, signalling significant interest in adopting AI in port-logistics people management processes.

Participants were immersed in the latest AI technologies transforming HR, covering a variety of topics such as automated resume screening, AI-driven candidate matching, unbiased recruitment processes, and employee retention analytics. The course also delved into AI’s role in enhancing employee engagement, predictive performance modelling, and building sophisticated talent management strategies.

Through collaborative workshops case studies, the attendees learned to apply AI tools in practical HR scenarios, enabling them to drive efficiency and foster a forward-thinking workplace culture.

Building on this success, the series will extend its reach to other critical business functions with the following upcoming sessions:

  • AI in Sales and Marketing: On May 27th, this course will unpack AI’s potential to personalize customer experiences, automate marketing campaigns, and analyze sales data for strategic insights, fundamentally changing the sales and marketing landscape.
  • AI in Administration and Finance: Scheduled for June 19th, professionals will explore the use of AI in streamlining administrative workflows, financial forecasting, risk management, and enhancing fiscal operations through intelligent automation.
  • AI in Operations: Slated for July 12th, this session will address how AI can be utilized to improve operational efficiencies, from optimizing logistics and inventory management to implementing smart manufacturing techniques.

The comprehensive nature of the series not only highlights the multifaceted role of AI in modern business practices but also reinforces the need for a cross-disciplinary understanding of AI capabilities to stay competitive in the evolving business environment.

Given the enthusiastic response to the HR module, future sessions are anticipated to be in high demand. We urge interested professionals to secure their spots promptly for these transformative learning experiences.

For more information on how to register and prepare for the transformative impact of AI in your business domain, follow our updates.

Escola Europea’s Global Impact and Future Vision Unveiled in Palermo during the Steering and Executive Committee

Palermo, April 2, 2024 — The Port Authority of Palermo was proud to host the first meeting of the Escola Europea’s Steering and Executive Committee for the year. The session commenced with a warm welcome from Mr. Luca Lupi, General Secretary of the Port Authority of Palermo. This was followed by an insightful presentation from Mr. Lluís Salvadó, President of the Port Authority of Barcelona, regarding the Escola Europea’s function and achievements.

In a comprehensive management report, Eduard Rodés, the Director of the Escola Europea, celebrated the institution’s successes from the previous year and presented the forecasted initiatives for 2024.

“In 2023, the Escola Europea made significant strides by welcoming over 2,600 students of 82 different nationalities and hosting 7,200 participants across 199 activities. These numbers don’t just represent growth; they symbolise the widening impact of our work on the international scene. Our commitment to providing quality education in intermodal transport is not just shaping the future of the industry but also actively contributing to the development of the Mediterranean region as a strategic logistics hub,” stated Eduard Rodés.

The report highlighted the completed projects that have placed the Escola at the forefront of maritime and logistics training, as well as the introduction of new proposals that promise to enhance the institution’s future project portfolio. Among these were the growth of the Forma’t al Port programme and the Forma’t Talent course, as well as the initiation of the Rome, Genoa, and Sicily Port Academy programmes aimed at empowering young professionals with industry-specific knowledge and skills.

Particularly noteworthy was the development and success of the pilot initiatives of Port Virtual Lab (PVL), an innovative training solution which has evolved beyond its initial purpose as a pandemic response, becoming a fundamental simulation tool that is revolutionizing educational models within the logistics and port sectors.

The collaboration with MEDports was also a focal point of discussion, as the Escola Europea has been selected to manage the association’s monthly newsletter — MED Mosaic, and to lead the inaugural MEDports Challenge, which speaks to the institution’s rising prominence and the trust placed in its capabilities by industry partners.

Escola Europea and the Northern Central Tyrrhenian Sea Port Authority host the 9th Meeting of the Technical Committee of the Transport Community

The 9th meeting of the technical committee of the Transport Community was held in the committee room of the Northern Central Tyrrhenian Sea Port Authority System (AdSP) and was organized by the Escola Europea in cooperation with the Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mar Tirreno Centro Settentrionale – Porti di Roma e del Lazio and the Transport Community on on 29 February 2024. It welcomed representatives from the Western Balkans countries, Assoporti, and the MEDports Association.

Attendees of the 9th Technical Committee of the Transport Community in Italy

The meeting discussed the improvement of process efficiency and effectiveness in ports and gathered key stakeholders and experts from across Europe and beyond. Throughout the day, attendees explored initiatives like the Maritime Single Window and digitalization for trade streamlining. Additionally, sustainable port operations were emphasized, aligning with environmental stewardship goals. A standout moment was the presentation by Marco Muci , the Escola’s Country Manager for Italy, which provided insights into the Escola’s activities geared towards more efficient and immersive learning experiences.

To conclude our discussions, participants enjoyed a captivating study visit to the Port of Civitavecchia, gaining firsthand insights into its operations and facilities. Overall, the meeting was a success, marked by fruitful discussions and a shared dedication to advancing towards a more innovative and efficient tomorrow

“I am very proud to have hosted, at the headquarters of the entity – explained the President of AdSP Mtcs Pino Musolino – the 9th meeting of the Technical Committee of the Transport Community, an international organization dedicated to mobility and transport.”

“I wanted to emphasize – concludes the head of Molo Vespucci – how international relations and cooperation are of fundamental importance for the development of traffic, even in an area like the Balkan peninsula which is rapidly expanding, thanks to the integration of different transports, always with a careful eye on environmental protection and impact.

Escola Europea and the Northern Central Tyrrhenian Sea Port Authority Renew Their Commitment to Maritime Education

In the photo (L to R): Eduard Rodés, Director of the Escola Europea – Intermodal Transport; and Pino Musolino – President of the Northern Central Tyrrhenian Sea Port Authority

In a significant development for maritime and intermodal transport education, Escola Europea – Intermodal Transport has extended its partnership with the Northern Central Tyrrhenian Sea Port Authority for an additional three years, spanning from 2024 to 2026. This renewal marks a continued commitment to the “Rome Port Academy” project, a pioneering initiative designed to educate both students and professionals about the intricacies of maritime logistics and port operations. The agreement is expected to open up numerous educational and professional development opportunities. By targeting both students pursuing maritime studies and professionals looking to enhance their skills, the program aims to cater to a wide audience interested in maritime and intermodal transport.

The Rome Port Academy project, known for its innovative approach to maritime education, serves as a bridge between theoretical knowledge and practical application. By combining classroom learning with hands-on experiences, the programme aims to prepare participants for the complexities of the maritime industry, emphasizing sustainable logistics practices and the efficient management of port operations.

A Focus on Sustainable Logistics

Sustainability remains at the forefront of this collaboration, with both Escola Europea and the Northern Central Tyrrhenian Sea Port Authority highlighting their dedication to promoting eco-friendly practices within the maritime sector. This partnership not only seeks to educate future professionals about the importance of sustainability in logistics but also aims to implement sustainable practices within the framework of the Rome Port Academy.

Educational Opportunities and Professional Development

The renewal of this partnership is seen as a crucial step in developing the next generation of maritime professionals. Through the Rome Port Academy, participants will gain a deep understanding of port operations, logistics, and the global maritime industry, equipping them with the skills necessary to navigate the challenges of the 21st century. As the partnership enters its new phase, both organisations express their enthusiasm for the future of maritime education. By continuing to invest in innovative educational projects like the Rome Port Academy, they reaffirm their commitment to shaping the future of the maritime industry, with a strong emphasis on sustainability, professional development, and operational efficiency.

The renewed collaboration between the Escola Europea and the Northern Central Tyrrhenian Sea Port Authority underscores a shared vision for advancing maritime education and fostering a new generation of professionals equipped to tackle the challenges of modern-day logistics and port management. As this partnership moves forward, the Civitavecchia maritime industry can anticipate a positive impact on both educational standards and sustainable practices within the sector.

Aragón Boosts Rail Transport in the Intermodal Logistics Chain with the SURCO Training Course

The second edition of the SURCO Aragón course concluded with total success: all offered places were filled, and there was active participation from 26 professionals from Aragón, Madrid, Barcelona, and Valencia.

The SURCO courses – Simple Use of Railway Connections – delve into intermodal rail operations within ports and rail terminals, focusing on the characteristics and advantages of this type of transport. In this second edition of the SURCO Aragón training, held from February 5 to 16, 2024, between Zaragoza, Barcelona, and Perpignan, professionals from different cities of different regions gathered to share the fundamental elements of rail logistics and apply them to reality through visits to operators and by solving a practical case. On this occasion, the training was organized and created in collaboration with ALIA – the logistics cluster based in Zaragoza – and with the support of companies such as the Maritime Terminal of Zaragoza, the Port of Barcelona, VIIA, Renfe, SLISA, Aragón Logistical Platform, ADIF, and the terminals of LFP Le Perthus, Morrot, and APM Terminals.

In this edition, the 26 participating professionals from different public administrations such as the General Directorate of Transport of Aragón, Aragón Logistical Platform, and the Army; freight transport companies, freight forwarders, and import and export companies from the Aragón community, as well as others interested in the use of rail transport, were able to apply and understand the different elements necessary to offer efficient solutions through rail in the multimodal chain.

This training programme aligns with the objectives set by the European Union to promote the use of rail highways and the overall increase in train traffic, as part of a strategy to promote sustainable mobility in the region. In this context, acquiring knowledge about the different aspects related to freight rail transport is not only advantageous for students and professionals but also essential for companies involved in this sector. Therefore, the availability of educational courses and programmes with both a local and international focus, such as that offered by SURCO Aragón, is particularly relevant.

The theoretical sessions focused on key topics such as the management of rail systems, the European TEN-T, the impact of rail transport on the environment, contracting and international rail transport, and the analysis of the costs of rail transport chains.

To reinforce theoretical learning, the programme incorporated various visits to key railway infrastructures at the border between Spain and France, such as the truck rail terminal at Le Boulou by ViiA, the Maritime Terminal of Zaragoza, the ADIF PLAZA intermodal terminal, the Figueras-Perpignan line tunnel at Le Perthus, the Morrot rail terminal, the ADIF traffic control center in Zaragoza, and the APM Terminals container terminal.

The course also included a practical team project, which offered participants the opportunity to apply and fully understand the knowledge acquired during the course.

For more information about the Escola and its railway courses, please visit the SURCO section of our website.

The Escola Europea Leads Executive Port Management Course, Sharing Innovation and Sustainability with Ports in Brazil and Angola

The intensive course successfully concluded this week, contributing to the training of port leaders for a sustainable and technologically advanced future in Brazil and Angola.

The Executive Port Management course for port executives from Brazil and Angola, which took place in Barcelona from February 19 to 23, 2024, ended on a high note, leaving a significant mark on the international port industry. With a focus on port strategy and sustainability, the course was a melting pot of knowledge, experiences, and advanced management practices, aimed at fostering innovation and efficiency in the port sector.

Organized by the Escola Europea, an entity recognized for its excellence in training in transport and intermodal logistics, and with the support of FAPEU (Foundation for Research and University Extension), the Federal University of Santa Caterina, and CIDESPORT (International Congress on Port Performance), the course was attended by executives and senior officials from prestigious institutions. Among them were representatives from UNISUL/FAPEU, various professionals from the Port of Paranaguá, members of the Paula Souza Center – FATEC Americana, Port of Suape, and the Dock Company of Bahia (CODEBA), as well as executives from the Terminal Management Society, S.A. (SOGESTER) of Angola.

The programme was designed to cover critical aspects and global trends of international trade and maritime transport, port governance, the application of port strategies, and their commitments to environmental, social, and economic sustainability. Participants delved into the management of terminal concessions, nautical services, and the improvement of port hinterland intermodality, all within the vision of ports as engines of growth and sustainable development.

A highlight of the course was the series of organized visits to critical infrastructures, which included port services such as pilots, moorings, and Marpol services (TMA); logistical services at railway and vehicle terminals Autoterminal, the Logistics Activities Zone, the BEST container terminal, as well as the nautical business through a visit to the Marina Barcelona 92 complex. These practical experiences allowed attendees to observe the application of theory in real environments and understand the importance of the port community and its development with the energy transition, port digitalization, port-city relationship management, as well as environmental quality control.

Innovation was also a main driver of the training with the aim of designing strategies that integrate technological innovation and sustainability, preparing leaders to address current and future challenges of the industry. Additionally, the management of safety and cybersecurity, key elements in maintaining the global supply chain, was addressed.

The closing ceremony, which included the awarding of diplomas, reflected the commitment of the Escola and the participants to excellence and continuous improvement. The success of the course is measured not only in the knowledge imparted but also in the bonds created among professionals, which will surely lead to joint initiatives and future projects.

Escola Europea – Intermodal Transport Pioneers Advanced Customs Procedures with Executive Training Success

This Tuesday January 30th 2024, the Escola Europea – Intermodal Transport has successfully completed the specialized course, “Executive Strategy for Customs: Tools, procedures and compliance for a risk reduction in Customs Procedures.” The course, conducted in Spanish, was uniquely designed to meet the intricate needs of international trade and customs procedures. Over an intensive two-week period, the programme bridged theoretical knowledge with practical applications. It drew a spectrum of professionals from various respected firms, including KH LLOREDA, S.A., CMA CGM IBERICA, GRIMALDI LOGISTICA ESPAÑA SL, and Adidas, to name a few. This helped foster an environment where shared knowledge and experiences enriched the learning process.

Tailored to empower professionals, the course’s curriculum was meticulously crafted to analyse the various customs elements involved in international trade processes, acquaint participants with the latest IT tools, and streamline operational modalities. It strategically focused on promoting operational compliance and minimizing customs risks, addressing the complexities of customs operations in the contemporary regulatory landscape. More specifically, it aimed to:

  • Provide a comprehensive analysis of the customs elements integral to global commerce.
  • Equip professionals with advanced informatic tools and knowledge of operational procedures to effectively manage customs risks.
  • Instil a robust compliance framework within customs operations, enhancing the efficiency and legal integrity of trade practices.

During the training, participants could apply what they learned in real-world scenarios due to the practical workshops which offered hands-on experience with visits to the PIF (Point of Inspection at the Border), container inspection workshops, scanner inspections, terminal operations, and customs visits. These workshops were engineered to mirror the realities professionals face, providing them with the acumen to navigate customs with greater confidence and expertise; a testament to the course’s practical relevance and immediate impact on professional standards.

The instructional team was composed of esteemed industry professionals and customs officials, ensuring the teachings were grounded in current practices and real-world demands. The educators brought with them a wealth of knowledge from their extensive experience within the sector, contributing to a curriculum that was both relevant and authoritative. Their expertise, coupled with the course’s interactive elements, provided a comprehensive learning journey that both challenged and equipped the participants with the skills necessary for proficiency in contemporary customs procedures.

“The calibre of participation and the depth of engagement from our attendees have been outstanding. It is inspiring to witness professionals and customs officials coming together to not only learn but also to shape the future of customs operations. Their dedication to excellence is a powerful affirmation of the course’s value and our signature teaching approach.”

(Alex Ariza, Academic Manager at the Escola Europea and Coordinator for the course)

The Escola Europea – Intermodal Transport takes pride in its commitment to educational excellence and industry relevance through its signature as well as custom-designed courses (such as this one). The successful completion of the “Executive Strategy for Customs Procedures” course marks another milestone in its mission to deliver specialized training tailored to the needs of the logistics and transportation sectors. Looking to the future, the Escola Europea continues to innovate and adapt its educational offerings, ensuring that professionals remain at the forefront of industry developments and best practices.