Entries by Escola Europea

Maritime Connectivity – what it means for the Mediterranean

We live in an increasingly digital world – there is no doubt about that. Digital literacy and technical capabilities are skills that are now indispensable in employees in all sectors. But what geographical regions? The situation (in terms of skills, capabilities and infrastructures) in Spain is doubtlessly different from the situation in Tunis, just like the situation in Tunis is different from the situation in Bali. The countries’ individual geopolitical and industrial statuses affect how plugged in the countries can be to the globalised industries.

This brings me to a report that I wanted to share with you that CETMO has carried out on the maritime connectivity in the GTMO region.

Barcelona Port’s Training and Employment Group

Within this node and as a response to the problematic lack of qualified talent in the sector, a unique initiative was born. This initiative – called the Training and Employment Group of the Port of Barcelona – exists today to ensure that the Barcelona Port Community (which helps fuel the city’s growth) can access the skills and training opportunities needed to meet the ever-changing demands of our modern-day industry. It is also the first step in our journey to “Discover the Port.”

Back to basics: What is a Smart Port?

 The inclusion of the word “smart” in the name implies the capabilities of the port and the integrated workflow (Marine Insight).  So what is it exactly? A smart port is a modern port that uses advanced technology and digital systems to improve the efficiency, sustainability, and competitiveness of its operations. Smart ports often use digital tools such as sensors, data analytics, augmented reality, big data, digital twins and automation to optimize the movement of cargo, reduce waste and emissions, and provide better services to stakeholders (which include shipping companies, customs authorities, and local communities). Smart ports may also include features such as renewable energy sources, electric charging stations (Onshore Power Supply), and smart infrastructure for logistics and transportation