Escola Europea and the Northern Central Tyrrhenian Sea Port Authority host the 9th Meeting of the Technical Committee of the Transport Community
The 9th meeting of the technical committee of the Transport Community was held in the committee room of the Northern Central Tyrrhenian Sea Port Authority System (AdSP) and was organized by the Escola Europea in cooperation with the Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mar Tirreno Centro Settentrionale – Porti di Roma e del Lazio and the Transport Community on on 29 February 2024. It welcomed representatives from the Western Balkans countries, Assoporti, and the MEDports Association.

Attendees of the 9th Technical Committee of the Transport Community in Italy
The meeting discussed the improvement of process efficiency and effectiveness in ports and gathered key stakeholders and experts from across Europe and beyond. Throughout the day, attendees explored initiatives like the Maritime Single Window and digitalization for trade streamlining. Additionally, sustainable port operations were emphasized, aligning with environmental stewardship goals. A standout moment was the presentation by Marco Muci , the Escola’s Country Manager for Italy, which provided insights into the Escola’s activities geared towards more efficient and immersive learning experiences.
To conclude our discussions, participants enjoyed a captivating study visit to the Port of Civitavecchia, gaining firsthand insights into its operations and facilities. Overall, the meeting was a success, marked by fruitful discussions and a shared dedication to advancing towards a more innovative and efficient tomorrow
“I am very proud to have hosted, at the headquarters of the entity – explained the President of AdSP Mtcs Pino Musolino – the 9th meeting of the Technical Committee of the Transport Community, an international organization dedicated to mobility and transport.”
“I wanted to emphasize – concludes the head of Molo Vespucci – how international relations and cooperation are of fundamental importance for the development of traffic, even in an area like the Balkan peninsula which is rapidly expanding, thanks to the integration of different transports, always with a careful eye on environmental protection and impact.